Dlsite Visa Mastercard

Dlsite Visa Mastercard - For now the solution is to either get a jcb credit card, if its available in your country. We regret to inform you that, as of 18:00 (jst) april 3rd, 2024, use of visa and mastercard will be temporarily suspended.

For now the solution is to either get a jcb credit card, if its available in your country. We regret to inform you that, as of 18:00 (jst) april 3rd, 2024, use of visa and mastercard will be temporarily suspended.

We regret to inform you that, as of 18:00 (jst) april 3rd, 2024, use of visa and mastercard will be temporarily suspended. For now the solution is to either get a jcb credit card, if its available in your country.

Adult content platform DLsite disables Visa/Mastercard payment after
DLSite "Temporarily" Suspends VISA and MasterCard Payments Options
日本二次元作品綜合下載網站平台DLsite被禁用Visa、Mastercard信用卡付款 用戶無奈道:我們去充點數 喜愛日本
DLSite "Temporarily" Suspends VISA and MasterCard Payments Options
「DLsite」、Visa、Mastercardの利用を一時停止(2/3 ページ) ねとらぼ
DLsite、Visa・Mastercardのクレカ利用を一時停止 期間については「回答を控える」【追記あり】 ITmedia NEWS
DLsite、VisaおよびMastercardの取り扱い一時停止(20240403) 基素基
DLsiteでVISA、Mastercardのクレカが停止!代替手段3点と山田議員の活動について がるまにあ!
2次元コンテンツ販売サイト「DLSite」、Visa、マスターカード、アメックスのクレジットカード利用停止 cocoちゃんねる・ニュースまとめ
DLsite、Visa・Mastercardのクレカ利用を一時停止 期間については「回答を控える」【追記あり】 ITmedia NEWS

We Regret To Inform You That, As Of 18:00 (Jst) April 3Rd, 2024, Use Of Visa And Mastercard Will Be Temporarily Suspended.

For now the solution is to either get a jcb credit card, if its available in your country.

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